
He Was Far Too Late

Today’s prompt: S/He was too late We can share our thoughts, a story, or a poem using the prompt in our post. While the sleeping beauty lay prostrate, the prince was in no hurry to be nice He sampled every…

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This week – Feb 10-16 is the Random Acts of Kindness Week – celebrating kindness and love, and Valentine’s Day on the 14th makes it even more exciting! For this contest we have the choice of either submitting a story, a poem,…

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Grant me a wish.

This post is my entry for  100 Words on Saturday! If rubbing a tiny magic lamp brings out a giant genie, Yash wondered who would appear out of the huge dustbin, to grant him his three wishes. He was desperate to…

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  Release   The noose around my neck was choking life out of me. The stool under my feet was trying to hold my weight. I’d kicked it away and closed my eyes. I was ready to end the suffering…

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Q is for Quotations

My post for AtoZchallenge today – Q is for Quotations. Here are a few selected quotations about quotations as quotations 🙂   I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much…

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Calendar on the wall

Calendar on the wall.   Sia glanced at the calendar hanging crookedly on the wall. The rusty nail  almost falling out of the crudely drilled hole in the wall of her study. It reminded her of her life and her…

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