Musings, Poetry

Cling on

Cling on Cling on to life with all your might, you can. Fear the night no more it will dawn be soon. Don’t let the tears fall down your cheeks again. Do try to resist howling at the moon. “Write…

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Mine, Musings, Poetry


A poet is too impatient for prose. He needs an expressway to his emotions. ~Terri Guillemets Writer’s block is a real thing, and I have become living proof of it. After these last couple of years, of having my mind…

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Blogging, Stories


  Sometimes imagination pounces; mostly it sleeps soundly in the corner, purring. ~Terri Guillemets   I came across an interesting creative writing prompt on Pinterest and decided to try my hand at it. Check out my WRITERS NOOK board at…

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Missing Daughters

She waved at me from her rooftop, a mere child of a girl. I thought she looked about eight year’s old. The sight of her, in a sleeveless and flimsy white smock, chilled me to the bone. It was the…

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