Silence is the loudest scream, in the confines of a lonely heart, Sometimes you need to speak, to make yourself understood. Nothing hurts more than your silence, It grips my heart in its vice-like hold, rips apart the remnants of…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
Silence is the loudest scream, in the confines of a lonely heart, Sometimes you need to speak, to make yourself understood. Nothing hurts more than your silence, It grips my heart in its vice-like hold, rips apart the remnants of…
When will my tweets on twitter cause a furore? When I tweet, nobody appreciates them, When will I become famous? When will I become important enough for people to want to know about my life’s every tiny little detail? Whether…
She was in love, so much in love, wasn’t trying to make a point, Didn’t decide to rebel, just to shock the world. But her family, she did disappoint. They hung their heads in shame, And threw her out of…
Trunks full of clothes mock me, Their actual number Shock me. I am a hoarder I admit and state. That suit I wore on our first date, The engagement sari is special, The wedding sari is ultimate. The dress I…
I was very excited to find out I was recognized by another blogger, Jim Brandano at .I was honored to find that my blog, as well as 6 others, have been given the Versatile Blogger Award. Jim has a…
I wish mommy cooked better food for us?Why can’t she make chips and cookies,Cola and cream cake? Instead of mashed potatoes and vegetable,Fruit salad and milkshake? I hate vegetables and detest milk and whey,I want to eat chocolates and candy,…
Loving you is easy, doesn’t take much effort, to keep your memories, in my heart. The times when, we were so much in love, Faithfully stay with me, never to part. I am transported back to, those magical times in…
“The imperfections of a man, his frailties, his faults, are just as important as his virtues. You can’t separate them. They’re wedded. ~Henry Miller” Sensitivity is a curse at least that is what I feel. Being too sensitive is not…
Is it 8th March already? International Women’s Day is a joke!!! “God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I’ve ever met.” ~ Farrah Fawcett Look how far we have come…
An article in yesterday’s newspaper caught my attention. “Scientists have developed what they say is the world’s first “Internet Car” which can read out your emails, Facebook and Twitter updates. The unique car can also help motorists behind the wheel…
What a perfect world it would be, if people minded their own business and let you get on with yours. These are the many things, I would do then….. I would colour my hair purple and get a punk-cut. Wear…
She writes gut-wrenching poems, Makes her readers cry. And also makes them smile, With her witty comments. All the while hiding all the pain, In her lonely but strong heart. She is a loyal friend and a fierce, Protector of…
Today I rode my sunny, trusted two-wheeler, to Broadway and back. It was my maiden voyage in the deep dark waters of traffic and crowds and I have my daughter Shloka to thank for it. She was my inspiration and…
The ever-increasing number of containers in my kitchen is a testimony to the culinary marathon currently going on in my house. With each passing day the number of containers and their contents keep on increasing. This alarming trend, if not…