
Ramblings of a soul

When will you understand my love?When will you listen to, what I am saying,and understand, what I am not saying?When will you see, what I am hiding?When will you know, what I mean by, what I am not trying to…

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8th February 2011

I have lived yet another month without you in my life, when will this heartbreak ever end. You have been gone for 13 months today and I am feeling a deep sense of loss. I hate number 8, it’s the…

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Side-splitting Excuses

Excuse me; May I jump the queue? I am in a hurry,For I have left cooking, at home, my famous chicken curry. This and a whole lot of reasons are given,By the impatient eves standing, in lines at check-out counters,Wherever…

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My darling Valentine

How does someone become your Valentine? How does he take over your life? What makes you hand yourself over to him? Why do you love him so? Is it because he is special, Or because he is He? How does…

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Why do people write?

 To connect with the world in their own twisted way.  To escape from reality.  To lighten their hearts.  To dull the pain in their chest.  To let others into their lives.  To remain sane…

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Undeniably true

Unspoken words lie between us,like unheard echoes ofOur yearning for each other.Untouched by time and space,Unconcerned about all but one another. Undaunted we walk,Our each separate path.Unperturbed about the destination,Undoubtedly sure aboutOur journey together. On untrodden paths of tough love,Unflinchingly…

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Roy’s Garage Sell and Auction: the daisy lemmas riff Kriti-HowAboutThis: Eternity I am eternity and I am patient…what lies beyond all three doors is incredibly beautiful and gratifying to the heart and soul, you can pick only one but do…

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Letters soaked in love

“Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together – Be calm – love me – today – yesterday – what tearful longings for you – you – you – my…

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Death becomes her

Death becomes her, they said, Suits her pallor. She was always hanging, partly in the grave, Was always half in. had that melancholy look, in her eyes, which spoke of her heartache. And was a walking obituary, of a life…

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