Mine, Musings, Poetry


A poet is too impatient for prose.

He needs an expressway to his emotions. ~Terri Guillemets

Writer’s block is a real thing, and I have become living proof of it. After these last couple of years, of having my mind stripped of words, there are a few things that have helped me in foraging for ideas and piecing together otherwise elusive creative write ups coherently at times. Writing prompts have been one such blessing. Loved this prompt from Pinterest and the poem wrote itself in minutes. 🙂


I am 

A work in progress.

A jigsaw puzzle, 

In the making.

Wallpaper samples,

Rolled up in bundles.


Smudged bare walls,

Cringing in shame…

The painter taking,

Their sweet time.

To cover up,

My embarrassment.


I am a jumbled pile,

Of broken alphabets.

The forgotten lyrics,

Of your favourite song.


Discarded paper cups,

At a stranger’s party.

Remnants of wine,

In crystal glasses.

Half eaten pizza and 

Chewed up drumsticks.


I am raw on the inside.

Branded by fate,

Singed by circumstances. 

Burnt at a stake,

Of my own making.


I punished me,

For being different.

I lit the fire.

Threw the first stone,

At myself.


~ Sulekha ~

I’ve dropped my Brain – My Soul is numb –
The Veins that used to run
Stop palsied – ’tis Paralysis
Done perfecter in stone…

~ Emily Dickinson, c.1865

11 thoughts on “WHO AM I?

  1. You are the tasty drumstick,
    The favourite drink in the paper cup,
    The jumbled pile waiting to reconstruct
    And clearly a work in progress.
    I loved reading this. Some of us always throw the first stone on ourselves.

  2. Work in progress sounds good. Means there is so much more to unravel and create and build upon…
    I like this prompt. Will do a prose on it

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