Forty-nine is not fifty 🙂 I am one year short of my half century and the world hasn’t come to an end yet . When I was young, long ago, a very long ago, I used to think people turned…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
Forty-nine is not fifty 🙂 I am one year short of my half century and the world hasn’t come to an end yet . When I was young, long ago, a very long ago, I used to think people turned…
Dearest dad, I don’t miss you because you live in my heart. I have also forgiven myself for not being at the hospital because I know you would have forgiven me too. You believed in seeing the good in people…
Calendar on the wall. Sia glanced at the calendar hanging crookedly on the wall. The rusty nail almost falling out of the crudely drilled hole in the wall of her study. It reminded her of her life and her…
All I have ever wanted to do in life is to write…words spill out of my mind onto the paper of their own accord. I don’t seem to have any control over them or my fingers holding the pen, scribbling…
Blogplicity members are not only exceptional writers but take the time to visit and comment on each others writing. The group, Blogplicity, is a beautiful community and recently, one of the members proposed a group of us take on a…
What does safety mean to me? Safety to me means complete control over my personal space and unrestricted access to any place I fancy visiting, any time of the day or night, completely uninhibited. Pure and unadulterated freedom from anxiety,…
Betrayed… Have I ever listened to my head? It has always been my stupid, crazy heart I have favored every time. So how could this be any different? I have never exercised my logical faculties whenever he has been…
Memories of people I love, places I was happy in and things I collected then, are all part of the special place I retreat into everyday to rejuvenate and replenish my soul. The songs we sang as…
Friday Moment- 22-02-2013 A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment you want to pause, savor and remember. This moment is a ritual found on Life – Adopted from Soulemama. Which was introduced to me by my fellow bloggers. If you’re inspired to…
Your long awaited call, took my breath away. I forgot all the things, that I had wanted to say. I listened to you speak but, heard only my heart beat. Your voice touched the, part of my soul which…
You miss your valentine When you see birds soaring in the sky, a rose bud blushing at your touch. When you hear the nightingales sing, the water in the stream gushing by. The fresh footprints in the sand,…