Today’s prompt: She had the last laugh – 100 Words on Saturday 2014 – 4 Mia’s father left her at the railway platform, abandoning the 5-year-old child without feeling any remorse. Mia was taken to a shelter home and…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
Today’s prompt: She had the last laugh – 100 Words on Saturday 2014 – 4 Mia’s father left her at the railway platform, abandoning the 5-year-old child without feeling any remorse. Mia was taken to a shelter home and…
It is a real pleasure to be writing on such a great topic, i.e. Compassion. My dear compassionate friend and fearless leader of Write Tribe, Corinne, has asked me to write a post and link it to the blog of…
This post is my entry for 100 Words on Saturday! If rubbing a tiny magic lamp brings out a giant genie, Yash wondered who would appear out of the huge dustbin, to grant him his three wishes. He was desperate to…
Let your imagination run free – unleash your creativity and weave your thoughts into a post on your blog – it can be a story, a poem, an experience….just write! Wednesday prompt 2014 – 3 – and it is a photo…
One resolution I have made, and try always to keep is this: To rise above the little things. ~John Burroughs 10 promises I have made to myself for life. 1. I will not expect anything from anybody; nobody owes me. …
Recharge your hair and recharge your life. I have been pulling my hair out ever since I became a writer and the more blocked for ideas I am, the harder I pull at my poor, innocent hair. They are the…
Introduced in February 2013 on Everyday Gyaan – an invitation, a prompt, a linky. Write exactly a 100 words on the prompt and publish it on your blog – a story, a poem, a mini-essay. Today’s prompt is courtesy Suzy Que. Strangers in the night…
In loving memory of my dear Dad… This year, on 8th January 2014, I leave behind the naughty forties and turn a respectable fifty, but that’s not why this date is so dear to me; there is a deeper and more…
It’s my last post this year, and as I say goodbye to 2013, my heart is heavy with bittersweet regret. I don’t know how I will be able to live without the warmth and affection, I received this year; my…
Blog Review of ‘ Rachna Says: Much Ado About Everything.’ This post is a part of the ‘The Secret Blog Elves – 2013 event’ by Indiblogeshwaris, a Facebook group of some of the finest women bloggers 🙂 This is how…
I write…I am a writer! So how does a writer become a business owner? What prompts a pen-wielding dreamer to open her eyes to a completely different world? A friend who believes in you, an army of supportive and encouraging…
100 Words on Saturday Today’s prompt is from the lovely Aditi of Life Is A Journey….Make It BeaYOUtiful. I’d do things differently Introduced in February 2013 on Everyday Gyaan – an invitation, a prompt, a linky. Write exactly a 100…
I assumed you loved me and wanted to be a part of my life but I was mistaken. I failed to see the fine print on the pre-nup that categorically stated CONDITIONS APPLY. As long as things went your…
Hundred words on Saturday – 9 Had I looked back All I can think of is how much you had hurt me when you had crept out of the house late at night and never returned. I waited for years,…