100 words on Saturday #2 Introduced in February 2013 on Everyday Gyaan – an invitation, a prompt, a linky. Write exactly a 100 words on the prompt and publish it on your blog – a story, a poem, a…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
100 words on Saturday #2 Introduced in February 2013 on Everyday Gyaan – an invitation, a prompt, a linky. Write exactly a 100 words on the prompt and publish it on your blog – a story, a poem, a…
Before you bid me goodbye, just remember this. I will not die of a broken heart, without you. I will continue to smile and nod, at appropriate times. Who cares if my eyes don’t twinkle. No one will know…
We will use a “Kigo” as our prompt. And since it’s the rainy season (at least here in India!) what better prompt can there be! So write a Haiku, with some element of the Rains in it. Your “Kigo” can be…
This post is my submission for the Write Tribe Wednesday Prompt #7 “Sometimes the smallest of things take up the most room in your heart” –Winnie the Pooh We all are intelligent, logical people and know right from wrong,…
Write Tribe Wednesday Prompt #6 Wish you could have waited, a few more days. My tickets were booked, I was on my way. The gifts are still packed, in your favorite handmade paper and scented lilac ribbons. The…
‘Another Time’, is the title of my short story and poem published in this anthology in December 2012. This is such a precious book! My first short story and poem were published in this book ‘Social Potpourri – An Anthology’…
Existing without you, isn’t difficult at all. Surviving on my own, in not impossible. Going through the notions, of living life is easy. Getting you out of my, heart and mind is pure agony. You refuse…
Pradeep wed Vandana on this day, 17 years ago. It was then that an angel entered our home, she stole everyone’s heart with her loving smile, and her generosity of spirit from her eyes shone. She became a loving daughter…
Love struck Shri took off his reading glasses and leaned back against the headrest of his easy chair while clutching the book to his chest. The girl in the story had conjured up Sia’s face on the pages…
Wounds of time Once upon a time, long ago in Bombay. A happy girl was born, into a loving family, on a lucky January day. She stole her dad’s heart, the moment she first smiled. Seasons changed,…
AtoZchallenge X Y Z posts My last three posts in this challenge have been the most difficult to write and post as I wasn’t able to connect with the world online due to my travels. I had carried…