
Death – A Story

Death Blogging from A to Z April Challenge The alphabet of the day is D and my 55er is titled Death.   Death was a welcome relief to Shiva after living a hollow and bereft life for these past many…

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Countless – A Story

I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge all this month. Today’s alphabet is C. My 55 fiction begins with this cute letter ‘C’ Countless emotions clouded his heart and mind during that brief instant he…

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Beside – A Story

I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. The letter of the day is B and my short story of 55 words begins with this alphabet. Beside himself with grief, he had walked into the sea,…

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A story.

I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. This is the first post and I will be writing stories in 55 words, (55 fiction) in this challenge. I have Shilpa Garg to thank for this wonderful…

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My Secret List

I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Today we are  doing a Theme Reveal post hosted by our dear blogger friend  Vidya Sury.   My secret list This is my third stint at the A…

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While making her bed, she found the hidden stash. Lifting the cover she peeked, and stared at the culprit with dread.   He had cheated on her, again. Gone back on his word, broken his promise and trust, caused her…

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Book Review of IPOTW

Book Review of ‘In Pursuit Of The Woman’ Book Title-     In Pursuit of the Woman Author-           Rajbir Gill Publisher-      Author’s Empire Publications Though there is no dearth of love stories being written today, with writers all trying to…

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Help Her.

She winced at the pain in her abdomen but kept walking slowly towards the house at the end of the lane, clutched in her tiny, grubby hand was a chocolate wrapper. She trudged on towards ‘Uncle’s’ house. He opened the…

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Book Reviews

Book Review – Brida

Festival of Words : Book Review Day 4   Author: Paulo Coelho Genre: Romance & Spirituality/Fiction Publisher: Harper Collins Pub date: 2008 The story starts in Dublin with the 21-year-old Brida’s pursuit of magic, and when Magnus asks her why…

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