What do I do after April? Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reflections Post 2014 You can read my story of 26 parts here, every story begins with an alphabet from A to Z. I participated in the blogging…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
What do I do after April? Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reflections Post 2014 You can read my story of 26 parts here, every story begins with an alphabet from A to Z. I participated in the blogging…
Apparition Sleep eluded him for a reason. incessant guilt-ridden feelings, wouldn’t let him forget her face. Unblinkingly, He stared into space. Her reflection appeared on the wall, accusing eyes boring into him. Incapable of coherent thought, he sat, could…
A writer’s mind works in mysterious ways, in the flurry of writing, reading and commenting during the #AtoZchallenge, the idea for this story popped into my already overworked and hyperactive mind 🙂 This April has had its shares of good…
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
Wednesday Prompt – Wednesday Prompt 2014 #13 Dangling on the chain was…… …a pair of dog tags with the name Samay Dutt inscribed on it, along with his date of birth, blood group, and regiment name. He had fought bravely…
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
I have written two stories in this post, both S and T are covered here 🙂 #AtoZChallenge SIA – A Story Sia visits Shiva’s house to demand answers but the pretty girl who opens the door and invites her in,…
Today’s story in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge begins with R Remembrance is a cruel companion; she doesn’t live with you but torments your heart with the thought of all those memories left behind. Sia hadn’t heard from…
My 55 fiction starting with Q in this blogging from A to Z challenge. Quietly walking away, Shiva felt his heart crack. Sia was tying a handkerchief on Dev’s forehead while frantically trying to catch Shiva’s attention. Her helplessness undid…