A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked. ~Author Unknown Debbie is hosting the Write Tribe Blog Carnival- Reflections on Friendship and I am participating in this blog carnival at The…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked. ~Author Unknown Debbie is hosting the Write Tribe Blog Carnival- Reflections on Friendship and I am participating in this blog carnival at The…
Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endureth his torments willingly. ~Proverb Being a Pro Blogger is fun, challenges you to be creative everyday 🙂 I have written Haiku and Senryu for a while now and the thought of…
The 100 Words on Saturday prompt: my grandmother/grandfather said… My grandmother said to me, “Open that trunk and pick out anything you like from the dress materials and saris kept in it, they are brand new clothes and not hand-me-downs”.…
I have signed up to become a Pro Blogger at Write Tribe, and all we have to do is, write a post daily. Today I am going to attempt writing another Senryu Senryu is a short poetic form which focuses…
What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers. ~Logan Pearsall Smith Friends, can you hear the whispers of my pen? I have just come up for air after participating in the Ultimate…
My final submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I had planned to write about blogging and writing books, in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This…
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
Why I love Black… Most of us fail to recognize true beauty of people and things, we are guilty of being impressed by the outer package, the plastic covering. We judge a book by its cover, at least some of…