
Love Hurts – Haiku (s) for the Soul

                                                                                  Haiku (s) For the Soul   How high can one fly? Wonders the caged bird at dawn Dusk set her soul free.   Angry silences Muted whimpers, quiet moans Rage behind closed doors   Do I sound okay Guitar…

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In Your Absence

She stood by the door and waited, For her pulse to start beating again, Her heart to start singing, Her lips to curve into a smile.   Her lonely vigil went unrewarded, Her dreams remained hungry, Her eyes hauntingly vacant,…

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Frayed Figment

Poetry is on my mind, all the time 🙂 Hence this poem for #Mondaymusings I see you in my head And sometimes by my bed Your eyes speak volumes But your lips, forever silent.   My fractured dreams and Ruptured…

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I Will Never Forgive

  I will never forgive.   The Sea smiles, mockingly, slow Somewhere buried in its depths, Lies a forgotten love The waves beg for forgiveness Their repentance, insincere Their entreaty a shocking blow The frothy waves had beckoned Tantalisingly , willed…

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My Angel

Wordy Wednesday Prompt Her fairy tale She lived on this earth for a short time, a mere 11.5 years to be precise. Our entreaties didn’t change her destiny and ours too, we stood mutely and watched her go. The universe…

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Free-Writing And The Writer

Free Writing People, who love lightly and forget easily, move on without regrets and continue living uncomplicated and uneventful lives. There are no explosions of colors in their days, just a constant monochromatic grey of indifference for and from the…

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Apparition Sleep eluded him for a reason. incessant guilt-ridden feelings, wouldn’t let him forget her face. Unblinkingly, He stared into space.   Her reflection appeared on the wall, accusing eyes boring into him. Incapable of coherent thought, he sat, could…

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