The Sole Interview #writebravely 7 prompts for 7 days. Day 6- An Interview. Only the Wearer Knows Where the Shoe Pinches Only the Shoe Knows Where the Wearer Prances 🙂 The prompt for today is an interview. I decided…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
The Sole Interview #writebravely 7 prompts for 7 days. Day 6- An Interview. Only the Wearer Knows Where the Shoe Pinches Only the Shoe Knows Where the Wearer Prances 🙂 The prompt for today is an interview. I decided…
My Most Beloved Letter #writebravely 7 prompts for 7 days. Day 5- Write a letter. My darling, Sparky, eleven-year old baby Dalmatian was battling with renal failure in the year 2015. Her blood reports were alarming and the vet…
A Day in a Reader’s Life #writebravely Day 4 of the Write Tribe Festival of Words #6 and the prompt: Feature a day in your life or someone else’s life. I loved this prompt and again added my twist to…
A Fit Place For Blogging #writebravely I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words #6‘. 7 prompts for 7 days. Day 3 I am playing catch up as a whirlwind trip to Mumbai derailed my train of thoughts…
All The Time in The World How do you approach the wheel of time — do you ride her stick your foot in her gears ignore her slow grinding write poems of her elusive movement sync yourself with her dance…
What are we without our memories? From my Pinterest Board. This blog is my space for playing with words and arranging them in any which way I please. As long as I am satisfied with my attempts at storytelling with…
Writing Wednesdays at Write Tribe Prompt “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” ― Maya Angelou Pratha slipped inside quietly and willed her heart…
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton Haiku for the Gratitude Circle Gratitude journal Notes of daily miracles Life is beautiful. What is gratitude? Giving…
Wednesday prompt – In the image there are ten words. From these words use a minimum of four or maximum of ten words in your post for the week. Writing Wednesdays with Write Tribe My darling walks…
July has been unkind to the writer in me 🙂 I have been struggling with the dreaded Writer’s block for some time now. To get myself out of this funk, I have registered for the premium blogger certification workshops at…
Writers block! It is not a figment of my imagination. I am at a loss for words and ideas to fuel my imagination. Once upon a time, I could string together random words to make coherent sentences, it made me…
Book Title – Writersmelon’s Jukebox Author – Various Authors Publisher – Kurious Kind Media Pvt. Ltd. ISBN – 978-93-858543-3-0 Book Review- Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore? –Henry Ward Beecher There was a time when…
Book Title :The Womb of Brahma Author : Dr Mithin Aachi Publisher: Darpan – An imprint of Prism Books Pvt Ltd (2016) ISBN-10: 8172869738 ISBN-13: 978-8172869731 This book is a mesmerizing journey into space and back with many precarious…
Book Review Title – Love has its Various Ways Author – Divya Kapoor Publisher – Balboa Press (A division of Hay house) ISBN: 978-1-5043-6017-3 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-5043-6018-0 (e) About the Author Divya Kapoor is a traveler, journalist, teacher, translator, life…