some days are easy some aren’t easy at all.I try and smile,live a normal life,but once in a while,I slip and fall.Suddenly it hits me that you are no more,you have left us and gone away.This pain is so acute…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
some days are easy some aren’t easy at all.I try and smile,live a normal life,but once in a while,I slip and fall.Suddenly it hits me that you are no more,you have left us and gone away.This pain is so acute…
Remember me with a smile,after I am long gone. When the sun has set, when the night has fallen, maybe you can sometimes let the teardrops fall, but only sometimes and that too not for long. I want you to…
The sunflower lived for the sun, one look at the ball of fire and, the flower opened up it’s heart, to embrace the warm rays , from it’s lover ,the Sun. Everyday, for as long as it lived, the…
Today is 8th Dec 2010, it’s been exactly eleven months since you left me and went away, I still miss you. I had thought that I had healed, but was sadly mistaken. There hasn’t been a single day that I…
If you are happy and you know it, eat something sweet. If you are sad and you know it, eat something savoury. If you are angry and you know it, eat something spicy. If you are ecstatic and…
La-La Land I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables…
He walks beside me…… I didn’t find my dad at home this time during my monthly visit to Malad. I looked everywhere for him but he wasn’t anywhere around. Where could he be? I thought to myself, and then it…
My Laptop has character It’s battered, bruised, chipped, cracked, marred, used and abused but it has a certain charm to it. It calls out to you and says, “Hey look at me, I am something special, so what if…
PAY IT FORWARD North India is famous for it’s cycle rickshaws, the Poor man’s ride. On my husband’s voluntary retirement from his job, we shifted to Noida and these three wheelers fascinated me. Since I am steering wheel challanged,…