The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Tantalizing sea beckons, the boats moored on the shore. Throw caution to the winds, come ride the waves, be free. You might be safe ashore,…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Tantalizing sea beckons, the boats moored on the shore. Throw caution to the winds, come ride the waves, be free. You might be safe ashore,…
Tribute to my first Love 😉 Love at first sight! It was fatal attraction, he didn’t have any place to run and hide. I saw what I wanted and went for it, it was like he was…
photo credit-Ankita.G Splintered Fingers bleed, trying to pick the shards off the soul. Splinters break the skin, letting the blood out. Trickle of warm emotions soothes the heart, and deceives it with a false hope of caring. Gush of memories…
Running out of words. This year I decided to go all out and let my creativity ooze out of all my pores. I took the informed and conscious decision to participate in…
Photo by Ankita.G A poet’s dream Quietly closing my eyes, I lie awake in my dream. Why is the Sun so cold? Why is the river, scalding my skin? Was the tree always upside down? And the…
Happy birthday dad…16th April Hey Grumpy, Why the long face? So,I haven’t wished you, a happy birthday. The day has just begun, wanted something special, hence the delay. You are, my emotional awning, keeping all ills at bay. I was…
This is my entry for both NaPoWriMo and A to Z Challenge… No Regrets When you had glanced my way in an offhand way, I had been thrilled and over the moon. You were my heartthrob, my best kept secret.…
The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Milestone or Tombstone? Emotional Milestones are tombstones of our heartbreaks and triumphs. Sorry reminders of our mistakes and proud monuments of eternal love. Milestones show…
Listening is an Art “Listening is an art not easily come by, but in it there is beauty and great understanding. We listen with the various depths of our being, but our listening is always with a preconception or from…
The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Roxy’s triumph Roxy and Emilio met one night. She looked sensational, but he was a sorry sight. Her heart bled, at his plight. Emilio hung…