
Life Is An Adventure

Adventure, is walking aimlessly in the by-lanes of a strange city and admiring the people and the surroundings; their colorful attire, toothless smiles on the faces of a group of kindly old women sitting by the roadside. Adventure is finding…

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Far from the madding crowd (The Wordy Wednesday prompt) She runs her hands through the warm sand. The deserted midday beach matches her mood The gentle waves whisper in hushed tones Their foaming tips drench the burning land.   When…

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In Your Absence

She stood by the door and waited, For her pulse to start beating again, Her heart to start singing, Her lips to curve into a smile.   Her lonely vigil went unrewarded, Her dreams remained hungry, Her eyes hauntingly vacant,…

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This Week, the Phrase Prompt that we are sharing is… Make good memories This week’s prompt comes from B-A-R member, writer and blogger, Sulekha (Yours truly) who blogs right here 🙂 My blog’s tagline is apt for this prompt, which by…

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Wavering Thoughts

When will this imbecile learn that no matter how artistic and lovely her sand castles seem to be, I will destroy them in one swoop. Every time she comes to the beach, she starts building her flimsy castles. Some days…

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Book Reviews

Book Review – Miracle

 Book Review Title – Miracle (Poetry book) Author- Aabha Vatsa Midha Publisher – Authorspress Miracle, by Aabha Vatsa Midha is a great collection of poems that deal with various issues in our everyday lives and society. As the title suggests,…

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Haiku Of Colours

                                                     Red is dangerous Loudly screams murder mayhem Beware of this hue   Yellow is sunshine Happiness and joy to all The rays of friendships   Green sign of new life Of envy money and growth A curious…

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Dealing With Pet Loss

I lost my baby dalmatian on 7 May 2015 and am trying to carry on living as normally as I can, given the circumstances. Sparky was my darling and her paw-prints have left an indelible mark on my soul. How…

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A Silent Home

  Coming home to an empty house is so heartbreaking! The emptiness engulfs you in its lonely fold, smothering you and you don’t even make an attempt to come up for air. There used to be a precious angel who…

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