
Unsure – A Story

 I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…

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A story.

I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. This is the first post and I will be writing stories in 55 words, (55 fiction) in this challenge. I have Shilpa Garg to thank for this wonderful…

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My Secret List

I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Today we are  doing a Theme Reveal post hosted by our dear blogger friend  Vidya Sury.   My secret list This is my third stint at the A…

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Help Her.

She winced at the pain in her abdomen but kept walking slowly towards the house at the end of the lane, clutched in her tiny, grubby hand was a chocolate wrapper. She trudged on towards ‘Uncle’s’ house. He opened the…

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    Eccentric I was a breach-baby and had arrived into this world with my head held high and my feet on the ground. Conventional, I wasn’t, even back then. My grandfather, an acclaimed astrologer, had labelled me impulsive in…

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