I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…
Tag: writing
My Secret List
I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Today we are doing a Theme Reveal post hosted by our dear blogger friend Vidya Sury. My secret list This is my third stint at the A…
My Inspiration is You
Inspiration A friend had written these few lines in my slam book in school, long ago. “Just to see you and hear you will be joy ever now, but to be near you will thrill me through and through. That…
Free your mind in 100 words
100 Words on Saturday 2014 – 6 The prompt: Write a hundred words without thinking – just free your mind! Today’s prompt should be a piece of cake, which reminds me I need to go buy some eggs- I must stop…
She looked most beautiful – Wednesday Prompt
Wednesday Prompt 2014 – #5 Our Wednesday prompt comes from Shiva Kapoor who blogs at Where The Mind Is Without Fear. I/ She looked most beautiful……. She has always looked beautiful, right from the moment she was born, ten years…
Just because…
Blogging A to Z challenge- J Just before I close my eyes, I see you smiling down at me. The touch of your hand on my hair, is like a feather light kiss on my soul. Just…