
Bards of The Blogosphere – Whodunit? Week 2- Chapter 8

…oked relieved and more like her old self while tugging at Tara’s sleeve, “Mummy, I am thirsty”, these were the sweetest words Tara had heard since the incident at the hotel. “Darling, what do you want to drink? Should I ask for a juice for you?”, Tara pressed the switch overhead to call the airhostess to their seat. “I want orange juice and I’d like some chips too, I am suddenly so hungry”, there was a hint of a smile on Roohi’s lips and Tara smil…


The Magic Key

…locked door; the lock mocking me every day and the elusive key not to be found until today. I am a complex person; the wires in my head are jumbled up and not salvageable, my thoughts equally so, my memories damaged beyond repair. I exhale slowly fearing the world crumbling into a pile of rubble due to the force of my tortured breath. I speak softly because I don’t want those listening to damage their ears. My words could penetrate their heads and…


Fear Not

…y of life. My fears hold me back from singing; I love music and am always humming under my breath when alone. My neighbor complimented me on my singing yesterday and I was shocked. I told her I was an okay singer but what she said moved me beyond words, “I hear you singing and go wow. Those who sing well don’t know how good they sound”. I have come to this conclusion that we should choke our inner fears and live shackle-free and stress free. Let n…


Tired Eyes

…is a short poetic form which focuses on people: men, women, husbands, wives, children, relatives and other relations. It portrays the characteristics of human beings and psychology of the human mind ( http://simplyhaiku.com/SHv4n3/senryu/senryu.html) SENRYU Old folks wait all day – For kids and grand-kids An eternal vigil. By Sulekha Rawat…


Five Black Things I Want.

…they visualize bad things happening to them or expect a stroke of bad luck coming their way, when a black cat crosses their path. This kind of thinking has to go out of the window. 5. Black iPad – This iPad would let me pen down my creative thoughts and help humanity and me too. I would churn out articles and stories to eradicate darkness from our lives with the help of this dark color, Black. This post is a part of #WhatTheBlack activity at BlogA…


You Killed Me – 100 Words on Saturday

…s – a post, a poem – whatever comes to mind. Image Credit http://vidyasury.com. I am a body lying unclaimed on the road; passersby conveniently ignore and walk around my still, broken form. My existence is an aberration on an otherwise normal road, an unsightly sight, best forgotten in no time. The hands that killed me belonged to your kind; greedy and cruel, not concerned about my pain and strife. I couldn’t scream for help, and even if I could,…


Writing Tips From An Amateur Writer

…ak each plot into chapters, chapters into scenes, and also allocate fixed number of pages to the scenes, also decide the approximate number of paragraphs the characters interacting with each other in the scenes will need. This method will leave no room for ambiguity and the story will progress smoothly.” 3. Don’t stick to a special writing Area– I can write anywhere, airports, trains, hospital waiting rooms, terrace, lawn, seaside, in the car…the…


Help Her.

…She winced at the pain in her abdomen but kept walking slowly towards the house at the end of the lane, clutched in her tiny, grubby hand was a chocolate wrapper. She trudged on towards ‘Uncle’s’ house. He opened the door and licked his lips in anticipation, she held out her hand for another chocolate. By Sulekha Rawat This is my submission for the 55 Fiction, a short story in just 55 words. http://writetribe.com/55-fiction-fow/…


Claustrophobia- Free Write

…her eyes wasn’t a major cause of worry even though her heart had started pounding in her chest when she had been asked to close her eyes. The moment the mud paste had been applied on her closed eyelids, it had become pitch dark in broad daylight, and she was scared of this nothingness. She didn’t fear the darkness but felt terrified of being left all alone in this inky black hole, forgotten and abandoned. What was this panic? Why this phobia? What…


Bards of the Blogosphere: Chapter 8 – Mysterious Tattoo

…rush? I have never seen you so eager to get to school,” Shekhar’s mirth evident in his words. Though he was smiling, his eyes had that watchful look. Ever since the kidnapping incident at the bus stop, he had been keeping a close eye on Roohi. He couldn’t let anything happen to his little girl, but at the same time he didn’t want her to disrupt her routine. He made sure he dropped her off to school and picked her up every day, no more going by the…



…the oven before touching and spoiling it. It costs money you know, nothing comes cheap”. Piyush’s father comes to his wife’s rescue and admonishes the young couple for their insensitive remarks. “I f only I had got an inkling of how you both would treat us, I would never have come to live with you, and subject my wife to your cruel jibes”. “Papa, do you know what mummy has done? She has spoilt the oven, last week it was the washing machine. What s…


He Was Far Too Late

…e didn’t want for more, that’s when he wandered to her door, boots so confident across the floor He marched up to the attic, entitled, and oh, so sure   He was in for a surprise, the room was deserted, except for that empty bed and that message on the mirror in bright cherry red   Goodbye you loser, I’m done waiting for you I’m off to make my own fate I have far better things to do.   And as the prince staggered in disbelief realization hit him in…


Free your mind in 100 words

…your mind! Today’s prompt should be a piece of cake, which reminds me I need to go buy some eggs- I must stop eating non-vegetarian food- why am I forever hungry? – Who am I? – I keep forgetting things, simple and everyday routine things. Am I losing my mind? – Mind over matter is easier said than done, though I try very hard- Is it true that try try and you shall succeed, let me try proving it right- How do you know you are right and the other pe…


My Earliest Memory

…Memory And when I press my nose to the pane and peep into this magical garden of fragrant memories, I see an abundance of joy, love and affection. There are so many happy memories I would love to share with my friends, but will curb my enthusiasm and recount this particular one that brings a smile to my lips every time I recall it. I was born in a middle-class family and though we had all the necessities of life, luxuries were another matter alto…