
Lovely blog Awards

Gifted by Andy David Gifted by Roy Durham and Andy David I was honored with these lovely awards by Roy Durham and Andy David. The lovely blog award can be gifted to 15 people, I am presenting it to 15…

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My happy Friday Moment

{This Moment} – )14th October 2011A single photo – no words – capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. “This Moment” is a ritual found on Life inspired by the…

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Roxy and Emilio….Part three

Roxy and Emilio…..Part Three Seasons change, like emotions. old friends move to new places, physical distance is not an issue. It’s the distances of the heart, that causes an ache in the souls. One fine day, Emilio moved away, without…

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My Friday Moment

{This Moment} – 30 September 2011A single photo – no words – capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. “This Moment” is a ritual found on Life inspired by the…

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Prompt for a poem by Tameka The perfume of the moist poetry, haunts the soft breeze. The Universe asks the question, But I laugh and baby girl squirms. Women blush and think,brother Sorry Secret decay of ice fever. Web dance…

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