
Friday Roman Moment :)

Friday Moment. A Friday ritual. A single photo, no words, capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember.   “This Moment” is a ritual found on SouleMama which was introduced…

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Masks hide our true face and help us blend in without revealing who we really are. They protect us from scrutiny and shield us from prying strangers’eyes. Sulekha Rawat   We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove…

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Lovers’ Cove Challenge

Lovers’ Cove Challenge #2  06-26-2012 Lover’s Cove set a writing challenge, which you can read about at  http://apd-loverscove.blogspot.com/   I continue from Crystal’s  thought: “How could it be,” I asked, “I feel I have known you for years.” He brushed my lips with…

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Friend or Foe?

Who are you?   Are you a friend or foe? I asked the rider in black. Depends on your state of mind, He cheekily replied.   I am what you want me to be, subconsciously. When you are drowning in…

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I remember your smile :)

Watch the video here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I61LeHtCpc&feature=player_embedded I remember your smile 🙂   When you had glanced my way in an offhand way, I had been thrilled and over the moon. You were my heartthrob, my best kept secret and, I had…

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No Regrets

No Regrets   Have no regrets in life. Don’t keep feelings locked, in your closed heart. Let them out, air them, Let the emotions breathe.   Suppressed love is like, a sealed vial of perfume. The fragrance is locked in,…

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Ignorance is Bliss or Bumblebee :)

“Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly,  but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so it goes on flying anyway.” – Mary Kay Ash Does  love make us do impossible things?     I inhaled you   You whispered my name, your thoughts reached me. Your love drenched me, with its fragrance. I inhaled you. Am in an inebriated…

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Saviour/ Dog Lover

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.”  –Mark Twain Saviour While out on my evening walk with Sparky, my eight…

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My neighborhood :)

                Sulekha Rawat Click here for details to the blog hop: http://gypsyroxylee.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/whos-ready-for-the-heralding-of-summer-part-2/


Lovers’ Cove May Link Up

  Andy David initiated a brilliant poetry link up session called Lovers’ Cove. He gave us his first line which can be read at http://apd-loverscove.blogspot.com/2012/05/lovers-cove-challenge-1-05262012.html. I continue from the last entry which is Rohit’s and my line after his is… “The…

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