
You are Amazing!

                                                   WORLD COMPLIMENT DAY Every year, March 1, is celebrated as World Compliment Day. Today’s prompt from Write Tribe – What is the best compliment you’ve received so far?  “You are an inspiration to all of us. Pledging our organs…

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A Mother’s Concern

                          Picture Prompt For The Wordy Wednesday at the B-A-R This week’s prompt comes from the amazing storyteller and blogger Sid Balachandran Oh no! Look at little Chip lick food off the floor. Why can’t he be like Mrs Orangutan’s…

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                                                                                                                                                                          HAIKU Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine. Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine. ~William Blake (1757-1827), “Auguries of Innocence” I am drowning here Holding on to the…

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Compassion Day Haiku

Today is 1000 Voices for Compassion Day! Haiku Tears in their eyes Their anguish and pain move you Kind souls wipe the tears.   An expensive car with tinted windows, new wheels No time for poor souls.   Healing touch…

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A Sweet Gesture

I tried my hand at writing a children’s story and loved doing it 🙂 A Sweet Gesture ‘Slurp…slurp…’ Pinki tried to lick off the ice cream dripping down her hands and wrists but the strawberry ice cream bar she had…

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Wordy Wednesday#3 This Week: Word Prompt Squeamish This week’s prompt comes from B-A-R member, writer and blogger, Aditi Kaushiva who blogs here. Write a minimum of 100 words on the prompt. SQUEAMISH She rinsed the towel under running water from the kitchen…

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Silent Screams

This post is written for the Wordy Wednesday at the B-A-R This Week: Sentence Prompt                                                          What is it that I really want to say? Nothing… I just want to sit quietly and think of all the things I didn’t…

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I She stopped looking back Ashes lie scattered all over The place she called home.    II The song in her heart Of Happier yesterdays On her coffin lay. III Flickering candles Keep the demons out of sight Dark souls…

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Icicles of Memories

Never-ending Winter She threw another log into the fireplace; the sparks flew out angrily as if blaming her for disturbing their steady and peaceful existence. It had been a cold, white and bone-chilling month, and getting colder by the second.…

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Story of The Tea Leaves

The Tea Leaves told the story                                                                                (Hundred words on Saturday prompt) The dregs at the bottom of the porcelain cup told a story of strength and fortitude, the brown tea leaves made unfamiliar but intriguing patterns on the sides of…

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