
Golf Course

Welcome to my blog. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky. You can read about my theme in detail here The story continues… G- Golf course Did I ever mention that my Dalmatian…

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Football Fan

Welcome to my space. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky, my 11-year-old Dalmatian. You can read all about my theme here. The story continues… First day…friendly puppy…forever ours…family’s pet…these are some of…

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Excitement At Home

Welcome to my blog. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky. You can read about my theme in detail here The story continues… If you have followed my posts from the beginning of…

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Darling Of The House

Welcome to my space. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky, my 11-year-old Dalmatian. You can read all about my theme here. Blogging From A To Z Challenge (April 2015) The story continues…

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Blogging, Sparky

Baby Sparky

Welcome to my space. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky. You can read about my theme in detail here. Blogging From A To Z Challenge (April 2015) Baby Sparky My kids wanted…

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Red Ferrari – #3Line Thursday

#3Line Thursday   She drove her red Ferrari at breakneck speed, uncaring of traffic and pedestrians. Her inner demons visible on her split-open head. The blood dripping from her left eye blinding her.   (Shailaja, thanks for introducing me to…

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Silent Night

Wordy Wednesday #8                                                                                  Shadows of Silence Write a minimum of 100 words on the prompt. The dark shadows envelop not only his body but also…

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