Today’s prompt: Today I will………. We celebrated our 69th Independence Day yesterday on 15th August 2015 and my haiku are also all about freedom and liberty. Today I will dream Of a happy place on earth My country, my land.…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
Today’s prompt: Today I will………. We celebrated our 69th Independence Day yesterday on 15th August 2015 and my haiku are also all about freedom and liberty. Today I will dream Of a happy place on earth My country, my land.…
Poetry is on my mind, all the time 🙂 Hence this poem for #Mondaymusings I see you in my head And sometimes by my bed Your eyes speak volumes But your lips, forever silent. My fractured dreams and Ruptured…
Book Review – Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn . Book Title :Gone Girl Author :Gillian Flynn The Book in brief Five years into his marriage, Nick Dunne finds himself embroiled in a murder investigation. The victim is his beautiful…
#100WordsonSaturday 1 August 2015 Today’s prompt: Use this start to continue a story : I noticed the old man sitting on a park bench sobbing his eyes out…. I noticed the old man sitting on a park bench sobbing his…
Haiku on Friendship Day You and I are friends Our bond is unbreakable Always on my mind Innocent childhood Bring young smiles on my old face Oh time, take me back A promise to love Help, support and encourage Friendship…
My writing haunts- Social Potpourri I write short stories and articles for the ‘Reads’ section of Social potpourri. B’Khush Read my articles at B’Khush – an online interactive magazine for Desi women around the world. Lassi with Lavina Read my…
I will never forgive. The Sea smiles, mockingly, slow Somewhere buried in its depths, Lies a forgotten love The waves beg for forgiveness Their repentance, insincere Their entreaty a shocking blow The frothy waves had beckoned Tantalisingly , willed…
Like waves crashing on to the shore, your memories hit me with their fierce force at times and make me stumble under their unexpected onslaught. Though the frequency has lessened, the intensity has not. There are periods of times I…
I opened my mouth to scream but couldn’t even manage to utter a weak moan; I just stood there staring at my baby’s open eyes. She looked frozen in time, like a still portrait. The iron grip on my…
Welcome to my blog. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky, my 11-year-old Dalmatian. You can read all about my theme here. Today is the last day of this blogging challenge and I…
Welcome to my blog. This is my fourth time at #AtoZChallenge and my theme this year is Sparky, my 11-year-old Dalmatian. You can read all about my theme here. HAIKU FOR SPARKY You are my precious Mine to love and…