100 Words on Saturday from Write Tribe Today’s prompt is – It does feel like home, doesn’t it? Photo Source They froze on hearing angry raised voices. “It does feel like home, doesn’t it?”, asked Rachel, and Mike nodded his…
Tag: fiction
Pages – UBC Day 6
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
Light – UBC Day 5
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
Nausea – UBC Day 4
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
The Pen- UBC Day 3
My submission for the Ultimate Blog Challenge, July 2014. This month I plan to write about blogging and writing books in the form of haiku (You can learn more about how to write a haiku poem here). This is my…
Free-Writing And The Writer
Free Writing People, who love lightly and forget easily, move on without regrets and continue living uncomplicated and uneventful lives. There are no explosions of colors in their days, just a constant monochromatic grey of indifference for and from the…
My Favourite Author- 100 Words on Saturday
100 Words on Saturday 2014 #16 at Write Tribe Your favourite author and what you’d like to discuss with him or her. 100 Words on Saturday 2014 – # 16 Every moment in life is an act of faith From…
My 100 Words on Saturday
This is my 100 words on Saturday Post. The Wednesday Picture prompt is here. Wednesday Prompt #16 and 100 Words on Saturday #15 I witnessed a murder on this bed last night; she was very young as were her dreams…
Secrets – 100 Words on Saturday- CONTD
This story is the continuation of SECRETS, 100 words on Saturday. Sreeja Praveen suggested eliminating the stepfather and I obliged 🙂 SECRETS She realized that she could no longer hide the truth” The guests had arrived from all parts of…
Secrets – 100 Words on Saturday
The prompt for 100 Words on Saturday “She realized that she could no longer hide the truth” The guests had arrived from all parts of the country and some friends and relatives had especially flown in from New York and…
Reflections – Why I Love Blogging in April :)
What do I do after April? Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reflections Post 2014 You can read my story of 26 parts here, every story begins with an alphabet from A to Z. I participated in the blogging…
Siyahi – The Ink
A writer’s mind works in mysterious ways, in the flurry of writing, reading and commenting during the #AtoZchallenge, the idea for this story popped into my already overworked and hyperactive mind 🙂 This April has had its shares of good…
Zipcode – A Story
I am participating in the blogging from A to Z Challenge from 1-30 April, 2014 and this post is written as a part of that challenge. Check out some amazing participating blogs here. My theme for the challenge is 55 Fiction, stories…