
K is for Kitchen Phobia

                    Kitchen phobia… I have Kitchen phobia…no kitchen for me please. Not to be confused with Mageirocophobia, fear of cooking. I have my darling Dad to blame for this severe ailment/condition.…

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Just Because…

    JUST BECAUSE… Just because she doesn’t cry, and waves goodbye, smiling. Just because she holds her head high, doesn’t mean her heart isn’t hurting.   Just because she looks fine, doesn’t mean she actually is. Just because she…

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I Miss You…

I MISS YOU I Miss You… Miss your presence in my thoughts, your absent smile in my heart. Miss your silent responses and your witty comebacks.   Miss your unconditional support, Miss the way we were, what I had become…

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Your Love

The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April.   Your love has stripped my soul of its cover. Exposed, vulnerable, I stand before you, unafraid.   Your love has unshackled my mind. Freed my emotions…

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Good Cause

Good Cause I am sharing an old post with you today, because as I wrote down the topic of my challenge, this post was the first thing that flashed in my mind. I had participated in a 3 k m mini marathon, campaign…

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In your eyes

The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Haiku   In your eyes, I see a stranger, smiling at me, knowingly.   Sulekha Rawat   Visit These Sites and Cheer Them On! NaPoWriMo 2012 Participants…

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Eternal Sunshine

The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April.                         The familiar baritone, sent shivers down my spine. My parched ears drank in, his voice,like…

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‘Familiar’ is for Cowards

  ‘Familiar’ is for cowards… I am anything but a coward, call me a ‘Risk-Taker’, if you may. I have always believed in doing what felt right rather than what is conventional and universally acceptable. ‘If it didn’t feel right,…

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    Eccentric I was a breach-baby and had arrived into this world with my head held high and my feet on the ground. Conventional, I wasn’t, even back then. My grandfather, an acclaimed astrologer, had labelled me impulsive in…

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  The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April.     Was it all in my head? Was it entirely my fault? Was my crazy mind, playing cruel tricks on me.   Did I hear something,…

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A brief moment in time

The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. As she flits across your mind, she leaves a bit of her soul behind. Her touch lingers on your heart, from here, she never wants to depart.…

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D is for DAD

DAD     She is a curse, a blemish on life. A deep dark secret lurks in her sad eyes. She craves his forgiveness, wants to make amends, because her birthday brought his life to an end.   Daddy, please…

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Comfortably Numb

The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April.   Cold hands, Icy limbs, frozen heart and soul, in this desert of loneliness.   Chilled to the bone, in this vast scorching, wilderness of abandonment.  …

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