I see the glass as half full, half empty is not in my dictionary, I am hypersuperenthusiastic about life and all its mysteries and adventures. I fell sick after ages and coughed and sneezed the night away, burning up with…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
I see the glass as half full, half empty is not in my dictionary, I am hypersuperenthusiastic about life and all its mysteries and adventures. I fell sick after ages and coughed and sneezed the night away, burning up with…
Your name on my lips Delicious Decadent Divine I savor the memory of your name on my lips. I still can’t, call out your name, without blushing and, breaking out, in a smile. I dread talking about…
BlogFest2012 Photo Prompt: Today, you are asked, by http://www.mydistanthusband.blogspot.in/2012/10/a-boy.html to look at the photo below, and think about what thoughts come to your mind. Write those thoughts down, for others to read, to experience. A young boy, looks out at the ocean.…
Bad Luck? When a black cat crosses your path do you take seven steps backwards? Does a cracked mirror make you uneasy and apprehensive about the impending misfortune? Do you fear walking under the ladder? When someone sneezes as…
Interesting question today on Blogfest2012 from ToniLynn Cloutier. She asks: Do you think online college courses are worth the money? It depends on the student and not the course. A good student will study hard and do the course sincerely whereas a…
Today is Day #6 of BlogFEST 2012. Our host today is Corinne Rodrigues of Everyday Gyaan. Our writing prompt for today is in the form of a question: Are You Living Your Dream? …
I am in charge of my wayward thoughts; no matter where they go I follow them and bring them back to the matter at hand. I am in charge of my emotions; I let them overwhelm me, overflow and soak…
Have you ever stolen anything? Tell us about it. I plead guilty! I have been a thief since my birth. My mother had been expecting a normal baby but I stole her conviction. I was born a breach baby and…
So now that we’ve all gotten our BlogFest 2012 party started, we either too pooped to stay up any longer or in my case, can’t sleep. And so here’s the writing prompt for the day by host of the day Susan Dusterhoft! “Over…
This is my entry for the blogfest 2012 COSTUME PARTY Who doesn’t like parties? I love them and the whole rigmarole of getting ready for the same, planning what to wear, intelligent conversations; some not very coherent (post a…