
Tear Drop

Like a tear drop, a mistake, regret mingled, with remorse. I slid down, your cheek. Unnoticed, unseen, uncared for, unwanted, undesired.   I regret, unkept promises, unshared secrets. Unloving glances, unfeeling emotions. Unmet loves, unlived lives.   I remember, Insane…

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Penance     I run to your door every chance I get, hoping to see you one more time. I didn’t hear you call last time, trying to make amends, since then.   Life is cruel at times, hits you…

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Patiently I wait for the storm to arrive, unafraid of its wrath. Ever since you  wished me goodbye, and walked away into the night, there is nothing to keep me here. I welcome the hurt and pain. With open arms…

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Gently let me go!

You neither let me know, nor gently let me go. Kept me hanging, in the dark, unaware, unsure, an unsuspecting fool.   Fumbling, tripping, falling in the darkness, I could finally see, the writing on the wall.   My make…

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  Somewhere… You are smiling laughing at a joke. Your twinkling eyes brimming over with mirth.   You are listening to a love song. Have a drink in your hand. You look around and see friends all around.   But…

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