

                                                                                                                                                                          HAIKU Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine. Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine. ~William Blake (1757-1827), “Auguries of Innocence” I am drowning here Holding on to the…

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Silent Screams

This post is written for the Wordy Wednesday at the B-A-R This Week: Sentence Prompt                                                          What is it that I really want to say? Nothing… I just want to sit quietly and think of all the things I didn’t…

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Thank You 2014

Dear 2014, You have been a wonderful friend and been very lucky for me. I finally realized my dream of dedicating a book to my dad, though I would have loved to write his biography. Maybe this book will be…

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Goa with In-Laws :)

Hello friends, I have traveled a lot in the past month or so, three cities in three weeks to be precise:  Goa, Mumbai and Udaipur, I have been the constant in all these travels while my traveling companions have changed…

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Ode to Sparky

Sparky wanted a post dedicated to her and I couldn’t bring myself to say no 🙂 So today it is all about my darling Sparky    By Sulekha Rawat


My Favourite Quote

100 Words on Saturday Prompt by Write tribe Choose a quote and write a 100 word post on it. I chose this quote I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. ― Anne…

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I Do.

Senryu time 🙂 I Love you, he said She believed his sorry lies She paid with her life. OR Coming together Two hearts starting their journey Their souls uniting. By Sulekha Rawat


Sunflowers for Tina

This post is in memory of Tina Downey who passed away on August 23rd 2014.  She was one of the co-hosts of the A to Z April Challenge 2014 (I participated in this challenge too). Tina loved Sunflowers and we…

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