

I She stopped looking back Ashes lie scattered all over The place she called home.    II The song in her heart Of Happier yesterdays On her coffin lay. III Flickering candles Keep the demons out of sight Dark souls…

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Icicles of Memories

Never-ending Winter She threw another log into the fireplace; the sparks flew out angrily as if blaming her for disturbing their steady and peaceful existence. It had been a cold, white and bone-chilling month, and getting colder by the second.…

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Story of The Tea Leaves

The Tea Leaves told the story                                                                                (Hundred words on Saturday prompt) The dregs at the bottom of the porcelain cup told a story of strength and fortitude, the brown tea leaves made unfamiliar but intriguing patterns on the sides of…

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This Wednesday prompt at Write Tribe is a quote on Creativity: write a post inspired by this quote Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties ~ Erich Fromm I loved reading the 20 amazing creativity quotes at Write Tribe…

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My Favourite Quote

100 Words on Saturday Prompt by Write tribe Choose a quote and write a 100 word post on it. I chose this quote I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. ― Anne…

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Healing poems

This year I participated in the blogging event wherein Write Tribe invited us to take part in the 100 Voices for Suicide Prevention campaign. Micro poetry for the National Suicide Prevention Week Yes we do get hurt The trick is…

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I Do.

Senryu time 🙂 I Love you, he said She believed his sorry lies She paid with her life. OR Coming together Two hearts starting their journey Their souls uniting. By Sulekha Rawat