Friday 10 February 2012 {THIS MOMENT} Each One,Teach One This Moment is a ritual found on SouleMama which was introduced to me by my fellow bloggers. If you find yourself touched by a moment,…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
Friday 10 February 2012 {THIS MOMENT} Each One,Teach One This Moment is a ritual found on SouleMama which was introduced to me by my fellow bloggers. If you find yourself touched by a moment,…
Friday, February 3, 2012 A Friday Moment A Friday Moment A Friday moment, a single photo, no words – capturing the week or day or experiences. A simple or extraordinary moment. This moment is a ritual found on Life –…
{This Moment} – 27 January 2012 A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. {This moment} is a ritual found on SouleMama which…
Friday 20-01-2012 A Friday moment, a single photo, no words – capturing the week or day or experiences. A simple or extraordinary moment. This moment is a ritual found on Life – Inspired by the Wee Man, Adopted from Soulemama. Which…
Friday 13-01-2012 A Friday ritual. A single photo — no words — capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. “This Moment” is a ritual found on Life…
30-12-2011 A Friday ritual. A single photo — no words — capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. “This Moment” is a ritual found on Life inspired…
I walked into the fog of fear. What is fear? Fear is the ability to recognize danger leading to an urge to confront it or flee from it. All I could see was the fog, when I stepped out for…
A Friday moment, a single photo, no words – capturing the week or day or experiences. A simple or extraordinary moment. This moment is a ritual found on Life – Inspired by the Wee Man, Adopted from Soulemama. Which…
Years ago when I was doing my graduation at Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, a lot many of us gathered at a small restaurant where they used to serve us with delicious Biryani. I always loved them for the kind of spices…
Stomach tales by Kriti Mukherjee I have this urge whenever I write about food to start it with – We Bengalis live to eat and not the other way around. I think I have used that sentence at least…
Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. ~Voltaire Delhi tourism had organized a food festival from 3rd Dec to 11th Dec 2011, at…
{this moment} – A Friday ritual 16-12-2011 A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment you want to pause, savor and remember. This moment is a ritual found on Life – Adopted from Soulemama. Which was introduced to me by my…
Gastronomical Adventures and Misadventures By Rimly Bezbaruah I love food! I can never diet. My brother who is a doctor now would often tease me saying “People eat to live; you live to eat, so forget ever having that model…
Dil ki daud- A Mini Marathon I participated in a mini marathon, campaign against heart disease organized by Indraprastha Apollo hospitals, New Delhi, India. When I reached the hospital grounds on 4th December, sunday morning at 6.30 a m, it…