Book Reviews

Book Review – Miracle

 Book Review Title – Miracle (Poetry book) Author- Aabha Vatsa Midha Publisher – Authorspress Miracle, by Aabha Vatsa Midha is a great collection of poems that deal with various issues in our everyday lives and society. As the title suggests,…

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Haiku Of Colours

                                                     Red is dangerous Loudly screams murder mayhem Beware of this hue   Yellow is sunshine Happiness and joy to all The rays of friendships   Green sign of new life Of envy money and growth A curious…

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Frayed Figment

Poetry is on my mind, all the time 🙂 Hence this poem for #Mondaymusings I see you in my head And sometimes by my bed Your eyes speak volumes But your lips, forever silent.   My fractured dreams and Ruptured…

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I Will Never Forgive

  I will never forgive.   The Sea smiles, mockingly, slow Somewhere buried in its depths, Lies a forgotten love The waves beg for forgiveness Their repentance, insincere Their entreaty a shocking blow The frothy waves had beckoned Tantalisingly , willed…

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                                                                                                                                                                          HAIKU Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine. Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine. ~William Blake (1757-1827), “Auguries of Innocence” I am drowning here Holding on to the…

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Thank You 2014

Dear 2014, You have been a wonderful friend and been very lucky for me. I finally realized my dream of dedicating a book to my dad, though I would have loved to write his biography. Maybe this book will be…

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Memories of Us.

Precious memories of Us. I glimpse all around Bits I stole from time When we met, you and I.   I thought you, didn’t see me Mentally filing away little snatches Of our conversations Did not notice Me picking up…

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Apparition Sleep eluded him for a reason. incessant guilt-ridden feelings, wouldn’t let him forget her face. Unblinkingly, He stared into space.   Her reflection appeared on the wall, accusing eyes boring into him. Incapable of coherent thought, he sat, could…

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While making her bed, she found the hidden stash. Lifting the cover she peeked, and stared at the culprit with dread.   He had cheated on her, again. Gone back on his word, broken his promise and trust, caused her…

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He Was Far Too Late

Today’s prompt: S/He was too late We can share our thoughts, a story, or a poem using the prompt in our post. While the sleeping beauty lay prostrate, the prince was in no hurry to be nice He sampled every…

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Sulekha’s Book-Spine-Poetry

S is for Book-Spine-Poetry by Sulekha 🙂  AtoZchallenge This is the second year in a row that I am attempting to write Book-Spine-Poetry.   Social Potpourri – An Anthology Chicken soup for the writer’s soul The Notebook Three Sisters Those…

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A Young Boy Standing By The Sea.

BlogFest2012 Photo Prompt: Today, you are asked, by to look at the photo below, and think about what thoughts come to your mind. Write those thoughts down, for others to read, to experience. A young boy, looks out at the ocean.…

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