FITNESS AT FIFTY PLUS People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that’s the problem. ~Chris Adams Lately I have shared stories about my journey towards fitness. The birth of…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
FITNESS AT FIFTY PLUS People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that’s the problem. ~Chris Adams Lately I have shared stories about my journey towards fitness. The birth of…
Granny at the Gym Ma’am, visualize your worst enemy is in front of you and that you are punching them on the face.” This was the advice by the well-meaning bystander working out next to Roy’s granny in the gym.…
If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. ~Buddhist Saying Haiku for Success The path to success A roller coaster of twists Walk steady and tall. To dream…
Do you know Roy’s grandma? Did you see her yesterday and wonder why her hair was so frizzy and wild? It’s kind of a funny story. Grandma joined a gym after the birth of her grandson, Roy, in 2018. Grandma…
Say Yes to the World I love life! I love to read, write, watch movies, listen to music, and I absolutely love making friends. I love the world and I love to travel. I am a 54-year-old young traveler at…
HAIKU Why are we afraid Of things going wrong always? Trust the universe Let it be, my dear You can’t control everything Que Sera, Sera Do not fear the dark The unknown could surprise you Face each…
HAIKU on LAUGHTER We sweat in summers Lie shivering in the cold Seasons laugh at us Why do you cry so? Who took away your sparkle? Laughter questions me Why do clowns dress up? Painted faces, red noses…
Haiku Food’s her savior Soothes her pain and anxiety Nonjudgmental friend Starved for affection The pantry satiates her Her own oasis She loves life, not food When loved ones push her away Food welcomes her home Their…
Today’s prompt MISSING #FridayReflections Why Don’t People Set Their Phones on Silent Mode During a Movie? When you go to see a movie in a theater and hear somebody’s phone ring, how do you feel? Don’t you feel irritated, annoyed…
There will be light When We know not to choose The wrong, only right When For a minor slight No one starts a fight When Humanity cries For its brethren’s plight When We speak for the…
She waved at me from her rooftop, a mere child of a girl. I thought she looked about eight year’s old. The sight of her, in a sleeveless and flimsy white smock, chilled me to the bone. It was the…
I am linking my story to the prompt for #FridayReflections –‘Always laugh when you can. It’s cheap medicine’ – Lord Byron I have so much to say but am at a loss for words. Why do I feel this way?…
As I bid goodbye To the outgoing year I smiled but with a sigh And wiped a silent tear So many memories it had Of loved ones, far and near Watching it go made me sad I bravely quelled…