Creative People “I think everybody is creative”, this statement didn’t go down well with my friend, who retorted, “Not everyone is creative, they can be talented but they are definitely not creative.” I would like to argue my…

Author. Writer. Blogger.
Creative People “I think everybody is creative”, this statement didn’t go down well with my friend, who retorted, “Not everyone is creative, they can be talented but they are definitely not creative.” I would like to argue my…
The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Touch of Love I can still feel your touch, on the upholstery of the car, I shiver with the, warmth of your hand. …
Things are never quite as scary when you have a best friend. ~Bill Watterson I have my best friend to thank for my name, her name was Sulekha too. My tale dates back to 1967 when I was a mere…
The NaPoWriMo challenge is to write a poem a day for the month of April. Time’s cruel hands have scarred her, damaged her beyond recognition. She is a shadow of what she used to be. Beaten, bruised, battered she,…
‘A’ is the first letter of the English alphabet and our writing challenge begins with this letter. I have always been afraid of travelling by air and preferred spending 24 hours in the train from Delhi to Bombay than…
I washed the dishes and I loved it… My song is not as exciting as Katy Perry’s, ‘I kissed a girl and I liked it’ 😉 Today my housemaid decided to take a day off without giving me a day’s…
On the pristine cloak of my imaginative mind, tiny traces of skin and caked-up blood under my fingernails, are the only things left to remind me of you. The scratches on my arm are testimony to my struggle with you.…
{THIS MOMENT} 23-03-2012 This Moment is a ritual found on SouleMama which was introduced… This video is the most beautiful gesture by a dear friend. Melissa Tandoc is an artist, writer, poet and music composer, her blog is Come to her blog and see how talented she is! The images in this video are…
Just your …Lucks! -My Darling Valentine My Obituary You had me at Hello! (Poem) Lucky rituals for winning the cricket match The fat and slim of yoga Food…
Comparison: The Thief Of Joy Linking in to the Comparison Blog Hop on Dangerous Linda and Everyday Gyaan. Comparison is the thief of joy. It is a robber When we compare ourselves with others, we lessen our happiness. Everybody is different in looks,…
A Friday moment, a single photo, no words – capturing the week or day or experiences. A simple or extraordinary moment. This moment was introduced to me by my fellow bloggers. If you find yourself touched by… New beginnings “And we find at the end of a perfect day, the soul of a friend we’ve made.” Carrie Jacobs Bond Friends make life worth living; friends make the good, better and the better, best. What do I…
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. ~Emily Brontë Love happens, it’s not planned like a birthday party, an outing or a picnic. It quietly creeps up on to you, wriggles its way into your porous soul.…