Soul writing Sulekha Rawat

Author. Writer. Blogger.
You complete me… I had always wanted to be a doctor when I grew up, ever since I was old enough to think for myself. I used to scribble in my notebook every night about my desire to be a…
I am not DEAD yet… I am 48 years old and I am a student of life. I am not done making a mark in life and am most certainly, not dead yet. I refuse to believe that only 18-35…
Long Distance Love Can you love only, those you can see? Can’t you keep them, in your memory? If your love is true, as you say, does it matter, if they leave or stay? Leaving or staying, was…
Love story of the River and The Sea. The Sea opened his arms and, welcomed the rushing river, in to his all encompassing embrace. Wrapped his arms around her, and held her safe. She gave a contented…
When I can look Life in the eyes, Grown calm and very coldly wise, Life will have given me the Truth, And taken in exchange – my youth. ~Sara Teasdale Zero Tolerance This was the topic suggested by my…
Xenophobia This beautiful poem is a guest post by my lovely daughter, Shloka. She is studying Law but her heart is full of poetry and music . Thank you Shloka for coming to my rescue with this wonderful poem for…
Your smile haunts my dreams, and every waking hour. Your gaze rests on me, hours after you’ve glanced away. Your touch stays with me, like a second skin, touching me, caressing me, cherishing me, Oh, how I love your…