

Hope                                                           Sulekha Rawat  


Long Distance Love

Long Distance Love   Can you love only, those you can see? Can’t you keep them, in your memory? If your love is true, as you say, does it matter, if they leave or stay?   Leaving or staying, was…

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Zero Tolerance

When I can look Life in the eyes, Grown calm and very coldly wise, Life will have given me the Truth, And taken in exchange – my youth. ~Sara Teasdale   Zero Tolerance This was the topic suggested by my…

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You Know…

You Know…         “You know, how much I love you”, Is a song in my heart. Playing, non-stop, like a broken record.   But, your hand is slipping, out of mine. Uncertainty is clouding, my mind.  …

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Guest Posts


Xenophobia   This beautiful poem is a guest post by my lovely daughter, Shloka. She is studying Law  but her heart is full of poetry and music 🙂 . Thank you Shloka for coming to my rescue with this wonderful poem for…

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  WHY? Are ‘You’, a chant in me? Your memory, my dream.   Your words flow, in my veins. Your name is, my identity.   Your initials are, carved on my heart. Your thought, on my mind.   Your love…

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UNHINGED   My feelings for you are unalterable, unaccompanied, by fear of abandonment. I am unafraid to show you I care, I am unarmed by your charm, Unashamed, I blow kisses at you, Unasked, I miss you. My love is…

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