Humour, Musings, Poetry

Kitchen Therapy


I walked into the kitchen with a heavy heart

But the moment I put cumin in the hot oil

Cut up some onion, garlic, ginger green chilly

I felt a shift in my head and my aching heart.


When the onions turned golden and caramelised

A fragrant aroma filled the tiny kitchen

My heart skipped another beat, felt a bit lighter

Next in were potatoes cut into tiny cubes


They simmered while I tackled the cauliflower

Each action brought me a step closer to joy

Every spice I mixed in it doubled the pleasure.

The mesmerising union of red and yellow


Turmeric and red chilly played Holi in side

Looked like a painter’s handiwork, a masterpiece

By the time I finished cooking my eyes were dry

I was no longer unhappy, nor wished to cry.


Looked Forward to eating this amazing dish

At the moment this was my one and only wish.




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