
I Miss You…


I Miss You…

Miss your presence in my thoughts,

your absent smile in my heart.

Miss your silent responses and

your witty comebacks.


Miss your unconditional support,

Miss the way we were,

what I had become with you.

Miss the,

Intermingling of our thoughts,


I miss a lot of things about you.

Everyday, a million reasons I find.

I wander around aimlessly,

trying to look for my friend,

who went missing from my life.


Sulekha Rawat




9 thoughts on “I Miss You…

  1. Beautiful! I can totally relate. And I hope that I is for IF. If they were ever meant to be, they will find their way back. If not, it was worth the impact on our hearts.

    1. Jaclyn, Welcome to my site and thank you for your beautiful compliment 🙂 Life is a series of Ifs and Maybes…

  2. There is a deep longing inside my heart. The ache comes every now and then. But when I think of the love we have shared, I feel closer and more present to them ~ not physically though but spiritually.

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