
Sunflowers for Tina

This post is in memory of Tina Downey who passed away on August 23rd 2014.  She was one of the co-hosts of the A to Z April Challenge 2014 (I participated in this challenge too). Tina loved Sunflowers and we have posted pictures of sunflowers on our blogs in her memory. I like her blog,’Life is good’, and love her ‘About Me’ section, it says a lot about the kind of person she was, witty, charming, happy, creative and beautiful.


In her blogpost, 5 things that make me happy she writes-

“God, family, friends are a given, and I love them immensely. However, I’m going to share five less obvious choices, because that’s the mood I’m in.”

SunflowerTina loved her sunflowers.

Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. ~Jim Carrey

vcm_s_kf_m160_160x120By Sulekha Rawat

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