Musings, Poetry

My Heart – A Sonnet

My Heart

When I sit with my hand over my heart.

I am healing by talking to my mom.

We are together even when apart.

Her dear sweet memory, my soothing balm.


While out walking I look up at the sky

Try to get a glimpse of her pretty face

To spare her the heartache I dare not cry

She can see through my smile in any case.


Yesterday we said goodbye forever 

I refuse my today and tomorrows

Time and distance cannot our bond sever

I reject joy and embrace my sorrows.


With stories of heartbreak the world is rife.

Losing loved ones is the harsh truth of life.


– Sulekha

1 thought on “My Heart – A Sonnet

  1. So so true Sulekha.Nothing is more aching than the loss of our dear-one. The winds whisper their voice ,The eyes flow now n then with no choice…
    I can feel your pain here which you’ve penned beautifully

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