Blogging From A to Z Challenge (April 2016)
Blogging From A to Z Challenge (April 2016) The theme I’ve chosen for this year’s blogging challenge is ‘Travel’, and in keeping with my theme I have taken you along on my fun trips to various places to date. Some of my travel destinations are inaccessible by air, land and water and an active imagination is what you need for going to these out of the world destinations. Today I take you on my soulful journey with Sparky.The letter of the day is ‘S’

My soulful journey from 7th May 2015 to date has been fraught with tears, sorrow and loneliness. I lost my Sparky (baby Dalmatian) to renal failure on 7th May last year; she had been eleven years and six months old then. Losing her was tough and I needed to do something to keep from going insane with grief. My friend and neighbor, Manee, took me to a local nursery and helped me pick out a few plants for my house. The first one I chose was the Dieffenbachia plant, I also bought a Dracaena plant, Flowering Kalenchoe, Money plant, and a few others. (Manee is an avid gardener and knew all the plants by name, I called them plants with big leaves or long leaves :))
The Dieffenbachia was my first plant and it soon became my favorite because I put some of Sparky’s ashes in its pot. I could talk to it and feel closer to her, it saved me. Every morning I wished her a good morning, told her how much I missed her and how I wish she would come back to me. It has been a difficult year but along the way I have healed, a bit. I was thinking about Sparky’s first anniversary coming up in two weeks while watering my plant when I saw a new leaf open up as if reassuring me of Sparky’s presence in my home. I smiled and knew that all was going to be okay, I was okay and so was she 🙂
Sharing some pictures of the plant taken last May and a few I took today, the soulful journey in pictures.
By Sulekha Rawat
losing a pet can be tough although personally I haven’t been as devastated as you obviously have been. I hope you continue to heal. Your plants look lovely. I had a difffenbachia at one stage but no longer… not sure what happened to it. I know I found that babies (I have 4 kids all now grown) and later pets (indoor cats, dog out doors) and potplants didn’t always get along
That was such a heart-warming post Sulekha! Sparky will always remain in your life and heart. The plants are a wonderful may to preserve a part of her, and also be a healer of hearts!
@KalaRavi16 from
This is so sweet and touching, it bought tears to my eyes too. Losing a pet is very tough. I still miss my dog after 30 odd years.