Have you ever stolen anything? Tell us about it.
I plead guilty! I have been a thief since my birth. My mother had been expecting a normal baby but I stole her conviction. I was born a breach baby and my Dad fell in love with my rebellious spirit, so I committed a second theft within moments, I stole his heart, for life.
Now he is no more in this world but his heart is with me, loving and caring and protecting his precious daughter. I stole my mother’s sleep by being the exact opposite of what she considered a model girl/woman should be like. I couldn’t cook, or sew or paint, I just read books and spent the rest of the time daydreaming and making up more stories in my head. There is a library of some crazy and wonderful books in my head.
The most precious thing I have ever stolen is resilience from life; I am determined to live a happy, positive and courageous life no matter what. There have been numerous ups and downs in my life but I have held strong and faced them all with a determined smile.
I have stolen the silver lining from the dark cloud, happiness out of the clutches of despair. I sing and dance with abandon and don’t let my hurt and fears show. I have stolen an impenetrable blanket of gaiety to hide my true feelings from the cruel world. I always bounce back from the depths of sorrow and grief but while I am going through that process this blanket gives me time and space to heal.
I have stolen life from death and hence I am still alive.
And you stole all the good things that life has to offer….wonderful post.
Thank you so much for always encouraging me with your lovely and sweet comments.