Blogging, Humour, Musings

Miracle or Coincidence?

Always look on the bright side of life. Otherwise it’ll be too dark to read. ~Author unknown

This happened last year.

It had been raining heavily in North India for the past few days and created havoc in the lives of people living in the hills. The plains hadn’t been spared either from nature’s fury. Water logging is common during heavy rains and our society was no exception. On one such rainy day I made plans to go to the supermarket to buy my favourite fruit, mangoes.This particular shop has the sweetest and yummiest mangoes I’ve ever eaten.

Hubby dear was skeptical because of the heavy downpour but gave in eventually. Thirty five years of my eccentricities have rendered him immune to normalcy in general. 🙂 Something will come up, don’t worry. My positive replies and statements generally have a negative effect on him but today he agreed to trust my instincts. Gratitude!!

Our compound was flooded and there was water upto our ankles on the walkway to the car. Drain-water had overflowed and was all over the place. There was no way we could wade through it all to reach the car. Mere 10 to 15 steps were all that were preventing us from going ahead.

I told you so, his look indicated and the raised eyebrows added to the mix. Just then an e-rickshaw came into our compound to deliver some goods to my neighbour’s house. I requested him to help us cross the mini pond to get to our car and he agreed. Bless him.

We thanked him for his help and he waved our thanks away with his hand smilingly. His good deed of the day was done. What about when we return? Don’t worry, something will come up, was my ever positive proclamation.

As luck would have it the moment we reached our parking area we came across a cycle rickshaw going by. Again I requested him to help us across the tiny pond of dirty water. He too agreed willingly and smilingly. We gave him a token amount for his help and came back home in high spirits and dry feet. 🙂

When you send positive affirmations into the universe and manifest good things and events, good always happens. Never doubt the process. The universe has your back as long as you remain humble but determined.Life is as you make of it. Somedays are better than others but they are of your making and choice. Choose wisely and enjoy the journey. Happy travels!!!

Optimist: day dreamer more elegantly spelled. ~Mark Twain

3 thoughts on “Miracle or Coincidence?

  1. This is my favorite read today, Sulekha. I am a positive spirit like you. I believe the universe will always have my back. Everyone’s back.
    So happy to read that your positive thoughts gave you positive experiences.

  2. Oh this was such a wonderful read. Sometimes positive affirmations from the universe are all you need to brighten up your day. I hope you enjoyed the mangoes.

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